Charity for children in North Kodi

Around 1,530 children in North Kodi District, Southwest Sumba Regency suffer from chronic malnutrition.
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Caritas Indonesia (KARINA Foundaon) was officially established on May 17, 2006 and is an official humanitarian agency of the KWI (Indonesian Bishops' Conference) with a mandate as a centre for coordinaon, facilitaon and mobilizaon of the socialpastoral organizaons of Catholic Church in Indonesia in carrying out humanitarian missions, especially to help survivors of natural and man-made disasters.

About Caritas Indonesia

About Us

Caritas Indonesia is a humanitarian organizaon owned by the Catholic Church in Indonesia. The main acvity of Caritas Indonesia is humanitarian social service without disnguishing religion, race and class
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What We Do

We pursue this service together with all pares of good will in creang public welfare, by priorizing compassion
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Get involved

We realize that this work cannot be done alone and requires a network. We try to mobilize as much strength as possible, from anyone who can work together.
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